
Trad. Javanese - Ladrang Kutut Manggung

Colin McPhee - Balinese Cermonial Music (1st Movt)

Trad. Balinese - Tuland Lindung

Lou Harrison - Double Concerto for Violin and Cello with Javanese Gamelan (1st Movt)

Trad. Balinese - Grebeg

Colin McPhee - Balinese Ceremonial Music (2nd and 3rd Movt)

Lou Harrison - Cornish Lancaran


Cambridge Gamelan Society and guest soloists

Imaan Kashim - violin

Raphael Herberg - cello

Jonathan Parapadakis - saxophone

Isaac Sebenius & Tammas Slater - piano

Rob Campion & Victoria Major - Balinese Gendér Wayang duo

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Centre for Music Performance

The Cambridge Gamelan is a Javanese tuned percussion ensemble of gongs and metallophones based at the Faculty of Music. The group is a mix of students and local people. This ensemble is joined by various soloists and will feature works by Lou Harrison for violin, cello, saxophone and gamelan, Colin McPhee's two piano transcriptions of Balinese Ceremonial Music, and examples of traditional Balinese and Javanese gamelan music.

more about Cambridge Gamelan Society

Cambridge Gamelan Society is an ensemble dedicated to performing
traditional and contemporary Javanese gamelan music. It meets regularly at the Faculty of Music and gives performances in and around Cambridge. The Music Director is Robert Campion, a member of Southbank Gamelan Players, Ensemble-in-Residence at Southbank Centre, London.