241215 kjv


Lynette Alcantara - Conductor

Steven Grahl - Pianist

Rebecca Moulton - Roos conductor

KJV Community Children's Choirs

KJV Youth Choir

Box Office

Tickets are available at the door and are unrestricted

£12 for adults £5 for children

Come and support over 100 local children aged seven to 18 In their annual Christmas concert at West Road.

KJV community Children's Choir has offered non-auditioned Saturday morning choir to Cambridgeshire children since 2008.

Our five choirs will showcase some of the songs they have been learning this term as well as lovely seasonal songs. You will have the opportunity to sing carols with them too and hear our recently formed KJV Youth Choir.

more about KJV Community Children's Choir

KJV is a local children's choir for boys and girls from across Cambridgeshire. We rehearse each Saturday morning. Participation is free for 7-12 year olds and a modest termly fee is charged for our older groups, except for anyone on free-school meals.

For more information about the choir see www.kjvchoir.org