241002 IMS Prussia Cove autumn tour


Purcell-Britten - Chacony in G minor for string quartet

Britten - Three Divertimenti for string quartet

Thomas Adès - Alchymia for Clarinet and String Quartet


Stravinsky - The Soldier's Tale for clarinet, violin and piano

Shostakovich - Piano Trio No.2 in E minor, Op.67

Two hours with interval


Pablo Hernán Benedi - Violin

Anna Göckel - Violin

Amarins Wierdsma - Violin

Sào Soulez Larivière - Viola

Aaron Wolff - 'Cello

Ursula Smith - 'Cello

Matthew Hunt - Clarinet

János Palojtay - Piano

Box Office

ADC Ticketing 01223 300085

£18 Full price / £15 concessions / Free for 8-25s (ticket required)

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This concert is generously supported by Perspective (Northants & Cambs) Ltd

IMS Prussia Cove's Artistic Director, Steven Isserlis, has handpicked a group of exceptional musicians to perform an invigorating programme of Britten, Shostakovich, Adès and Stravinsky in this annual showcase concert.

About the IMS

IMS Prussia Cove nurtures and inspires world-class musicians. We bring emerging artists and acclaimed performers from across the world to make music together in a remote part of Cornwall, UK. Founded in 1972, by the Hungarian violinist Sándor Végh, we are one of classical music’s most celebrated organisations, and continue to flourish under the Artistic Direction of renowned cellist Steven Isserlis.