250429 Gerhaher Huber 1400x730


Schumann - Liederkreis [Song Cycle], Op. 24

Schumann - Aus dem Liederbuch eines Malers [From the Songbook of a Painter], Op. 36


Schumann - Romanzen und Balladen [Romances and Ballads] Book II, Op. 49

Schumann - Dichterliebe [A Poet's Love], Op. 48

Two hours with interval


Christian Gerhaher - baritone

Gerold Huber - piano

Box Office

ADC Ticketing 01223 300085 Free student tickets - see https://www.camerata-musica.org/free-student-tickets-scheme

£20-£45 with free students available for students

Book tickets

German-born baritone Christian Gerhaher is widely acknowledged as among the finest singers performing today. His exemplary song interpretations with Gerold Huber have set new standards for the German Lied and their recordings have repeatedly won prizes — among them The Gramophone Classical Music Award 2015, and one of Germany's most prestigious awards, the Opus Klassik Award for 2019 as 'Male Singer of the Year'. He can be heard on the stages of major international recital centres, among them Carnegie Halle New York, the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, and the Cologne and Berlin Philharmonie. He is a frequent guest in the Konzerthaus and the Musikverein in Vienna as well as in the Wigmore Hall in London; and a regular guest at the Edinburgh and Lucerne Festivals as well as the Salzburg Festival.

Besides his principal activity giving concerts and recitals, Christian Gerhaher is also a highly sought-after performer on the opera stage and has received numerous prizes for his work in music drama, among the Laurence Olivier Award and the theatre prize Der Faust. Under Riccardo Muti, he sang Papageno in a production of The Magic Flute at the Salzburg Festival, and his roles range from Don Giovanni to Alban Berg’s Wozzeck (for the Zurich Opera House). In June and July 2019, he will appear in the Royal Opera House's production of Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro. His partnerships with conductors include some of the most distinguished names of the last thirty years, among them Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Sir Simon Rattle, Herbert Blomstedt, Mariss Jansons, Bernard Haitink and Christian Thielemann. He records exclusively for Sony Music.

Munich-born pianist Gerold Huber studied with Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and has worked with Christian Gerhaher since their schooldays together. In the role of Lied pianist he regularly appears at festivals such as Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, Schwetzingen Festival and Rheingau Music Festival and major venues including Philharmonie Cologne, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Konzerthaus and Musikverein in Vienna, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Wigmore Hall London, Großes Festspielhaus Salzburg, Lincoln Center and Armory or Carnegie hall in New York and Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

Gerold Huber’s activities as a soloist focus on the works of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Schubert, and in recent years he has given a series of highly acclaimed master classes, at Yale University, the Aldeburgh and Schwetzingen Festivals. Gerold Huber is also artistic director of the music festival, Pollinger Tage: Alter und Neuer Musik.

more about Camerata Musica

Camerata Musica Cambridge takes its name from the celebrated Florentine Camerata — or Camerata Fiorentina — founded in Florence in 1573 by a group of scholars and musicians to promote a revival in what was then defined as Classical music or ‘musica antica’ — the music and poetry of antiquity — with a view to bringing a new generation into contact with its riches.

Cambridge’s Camerata Musica has a similar objective. It exists to bring new - and, in particular, student - audiences to classical music. It offers its audience the opportunity to hear some of the greatest masterpieces of the Western musical canon in performances by interpreters of international distinction. It is the only concert programme in the country that reserves more than half its seats for students and those under 25. These tickets are made available at generously subsidized prices.

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