250222 Shostakovich Anniversary Concert credit Michele Monasta
Image © Michele Monasta



SHOSTAKOVICH - Violin Concerto No.1 Op.77

SHOSTAKOVICH - arr ATOVMYAN Suite from The Gadfly

Box Office

Booking via Saffron Hall Box Office. Priority Booking from 10-13 January, general release from 14 January.

Tickes: £25, £18, £12 | Concessions: £22.50, £16, £10 | Students and under-18s: £5

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Cambridge musicians come together to celebrate the music of the great composer Shostakovich on the 50th anniversary of his death. The Cambridge University Orchestra joins forces with conductor Alpesh Chauhan – a noted interpreter of Shostakovich’s music – in a programme exploring different  aspects of the composer’s orchestral output. 

Shostakovich expert and Cambridge Faculty of Music member Prof Marina Frolova-Walker gives a free pre-concert talk at 6.30pm.

more about Cambridge University Orchestra

Cambridge University Orchestra is the University’s flagship orchestra, performing the most ambitious repertoire with world-class professional conductors and exceptional student and professional soloists.