231227 30 Holiday Orchestra


Diverse Musical Genres: - Folk, Jazz, Percussion, Choir, Orchestral Repertoire, Concert Band, String Ensemble, Recorder Ensemble, Molly Dancing

Box Office

£82 - £122

Book tickets

STRUCTURE: This course runs for four days. Our Course Director will be Russell Keable and we shall be at the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge.

MORNINGS: As always, include three levels of String Groups and three Levels of Wind Bands. These are for children who play orchestral instruments, plus a few recorders in the Training Wind Band - please do check with the Booking Form for the all-important Grade requirements. However, there are lots of other musical activities for children to enjoy and each participant can choose to join three morning sections. They then stay in these sections throughout the course and always make tremendous progress.

AFTERNOONS: We have two orchestras, each with their own particular character:

2pm-3pm: 'Training Orchestra, grades 2-5, conducted by Anne Templer. On the fourth day carers and family members are invited to join forces with this orchestra

2pm-3pm: Molly Dancing is the Cambridgeshire version of traditional morris dancing, performed on 'Plough Monday' (soon after Christmas) with a request for charitable offerings for the ploughboys. Great fun and good exercise!

2pm-3pm: Advanced Recorders

2pm-4.30pm: Christmas Orchestra Strings Grade 5+, Wind and Brass grade 6+, conducted by Russell Keable

more about Cambridgeshire Holiday Orchestra

Cambridgeshire Holiday Orchestra offers a wide range of musical activities, including wind bands, choirs, string ensembles, folk music, jazz, gamelan and full orchestras of different levels.

Courses are open to anyone age 7 to 18. There are no auditions and you do not need to already play an instrument.

Our fun, friendly courses run for 4 or 5 days during the Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. They offer a great opportunity to develop and extend musical skills and experience, as well to socialise and make new friends.
